Members are required to live and maintain their primary residence in Pasco County, or one of the following counties: Citrus; Hernando; Hillsborough; Lake; Pinellas; Polk or Sumter. Residency compliance required within 30 days of hire.
Newly hired law enforcement deputies are required to attend and successfully complete a New Member Training program as provided by the Training Division that includes but is not limited to high liability topics, use of force, agency policy and procedures, emergency vehicle operations, computer operations, and report writing. As part of the New Member Training Program, newly hired law enforcement deputies will report to their respective districts for a two (2) week Field Observation Phase (FOP) where they can observe Field Training Officers complete the duties of a deputy sheriff and be exposed to certain elements of the job. Upon successful completion of the New Member Training program, law enforcement deputies will enter Phase I of their field training program.
The District Commander will assign each deputy to a shift and platoon. Shift changes will occur at the discretion of the Bureau Commander, but no longer than six (6) months from the previous shift change. Depending on the shift and squad in which deputies are assigned, days off are based on a rotating schedule. Deputies work a continuous 14-day cycle as defined: Two consecutive duty days; Two consecutive non-duty days; Three consecutive duty days; Two consecutive non-duty days; Two consecutive duty days; Three consecutive non-duty days, and vice versa.
Non-law enforcement employment performed during off-duty hours. This is any part-time or self-employment of a member during their off-duty hours. Written approval must be received before engaging in any off-duty employment. No member will utilize Sheriff's Office vehicles, uniforms, equipment, or other resources for the purpose of engaging in off-duty employment activities.
All members with assigned agency vehicles who reside outside the geographical boundaries of Pasco County MUST complete Take Home Vehicle Employee Cost - Automatic Payroll Deduction form. Members must designate whether they will take their vehicle out-of-county or opt-out of the program. There will be a flat-rate monthly payroll deduction based on the mileage outside of the county. A member with an assigned vehicle who resides out-of-county may decline to take their vehicle out of Pasco County and will not be subject to the payroll deduction for cost of commute. Members who choose this option must park their assigned vehicle at their assigned District office or assigned work site location and must adhere to all policies and procedures regarding the securing of agency vehicles, weapons and equipment.
The member must submit the original tuition receipt and a completed College Tuition/Book Assistance form to the Training Section at the end of the semester or term for which the member is seeking assistance. The Training Section specialist will approve the request and the Finance Section will issue a check payable to the member. The member must submit a copy of the course grade to the Training Section at the end of the semester. The member will not receive tuition assistance from the Sheriff's Office if the member fails to complete the course or gets less than a 2.0 (C) grade in the course.
Frequently Asked Policy Resources
The Sheriff’s Office will only hire applicants who WILL NOT use vapor-generating electronic devices, and/or smoke or use any tobacco and/or nicotine products in any way, either on or off duty. Applicants shall sign an agreement stating that they WILL NOT now or while employed with the Pasco Sheriff’s Office, use any vapor-generating electronic devices, tobacco and/or nicotine products.
All applicants and agency members are prohibited from having any tattoos, temporary decals, and/or body art that are racist, sexist, offensive, obscene, or extremist. Tattoos, temporary decals, body art, or portions thereof, that are visible on the head, scalp, face, ears, neck, or hands (defined as the area from the wrist to fingertips), or those deemed to be indecent, unprofessional, or excessive, may not be displayed while on-duty or conducting agency business.
Members may be clean shaven, wear a neatly trimmed moustache, or wear a neatly trimmed beard and moustache combination. If only a moustache is worn, the moustache may extend no more than one-quarter inch horizontally beyond the corners of the mouth. The moustache will not extend over the upper lip or below the corners of the mouth. If a beard is worn, it must be in conjunction with a moustache, and must be no longer than one-quarter inch in length and uniform from top to bottom. Beards will not extend below the jawline (no neck hair), or up onto the cheeks under the eyes. Sharp, clean edges will be maintained with areas of the face not part of the beard/moustache cleanly shaven. Mutton chops, chin straps, lion’s manes and other faddish styles are not permitted.
The probationary period allows supervisor’s time to observe and evaluate the members’ work performance and adjustment to the attendant position. The probationary period is one year of continuous, satisfactory work performance from the date of hire, promotion or transfer for all members, unless extended for cause as per career service system ordinance Section 54-32. New members do not hold a position within the classified service during this period. Members who are sponsored by the agency to attend the law enforcement acedemy shall be classified as probationary non-certified trainees, shall be on probationary status from their date of hire, and do not hold a position within the classified service during this time period. The one-year probationary period for such probationary non-certified trainees shall start on the date the member receives a passing score on the state certification exam.