The Physical Abilities Test consists of the following tasks:
Run (2) complete laps around course – total distance of 520 feet. Run 20 feet to wall climb;
Climb over a four (4) foot wall. Individuals who are unable to climb over the wall after three honest attempts, may run 25 feet to a stool which may be carried back to the wall and used as an assist to successfully traverse the wall. The time continues to run as the individual runs to and back with the stool. Run 15 feet to serpentine route;
Run a serpentine route. Run 36 feet to ditch jump;
Jump over and clear a marked four (4) feet wide area. Run 13 feet to low crawl;
Low crawl (30 inches) for eight (8) feet. Run 45 feet to stair climb:
Climb the equivalent of four stories and descend (52 steps). Run 42 feet to rescue drag;
Drag a 180 pound dummy a distance of 60 feet. Move five (5) feet to start of bag carry;
Carry a 40 pound bag a distance of 60 feet. Run 8 feet to scuffle ropes: and
Raise ropes at least 36 inches from the ground twenty-five times in a wave-like manner. Run 160 feet to end of course.